Monday, March 8, 2010

::Pendapat Doktor dan Pakar Kesihatan::

"It is increasingly clear that as the world becomes a smaller place, with viruses and other pathogens traveling with great ease, we now face a unique situation. Simply put, we are now, and will continue to be more exposed to challenges to our health. However, nature has already provided the immune system as our defense to microbes found in our environment. The degree to which we are able to educate our immune systems to recognize invaders will help determine our ability to cope with health challenges. I urge all people to pay attention to those things that affect their immune systems.“

William J. Hennen, Ph.D

"I’m a cancer physician. I primarily treat female cancer, and certainly encourage my patients who are undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy to take transfer factors. It helps to modulate the immune system. I have patients with chronic herpes infections who are taking transfer factors on a regular basis, and it’s reducing the number of outbreaks. I’ve also had patients with chronic yeast infections, and the transfer factors have reduced their infections as well. Transfer factors are science-based with excellent data from a variety of researchers."
"My chemotherapy patients on 4Life™ Transfer Factor™ are feeling much stronger."

Dr. Duane Townsend MD

“I think a product like Transfer Factor™ needs to be at the root of any prevention program, particularly in the compromised patients, for example, the diabetics...with an increased risk of diabetic amputation, with wounds, and all of the things that we see...We need to have products like Transfer Factor™ at the core of preventative medical programs...We need to get this to the general public. They are at risk also with this expanding epidemic of diabetes.”

Dr. Neal Donohu
Director of Surgery, President of World Walk Foundation

"AIDS is a viral attack on certain immune system cells, which causes an inability of our immune system to mount a normal response to infectious agents. Thus persons who have AIDS are susceptible to opportunistic infections caused by pathogens ordinarily, in the non-immunodeficient patient, would be benign, or at least not life threatening. Transfer Factor Plus, by its ability to generally stimulate the immune system, and by its particular ability to increase the function of viral fighting Natural Killer Cells, should certainly be strongly considered as an adjuvant to be added to the arsenal of regimens used in the intervention of the progressive course of AIDS."

Rob Robertson, M.D.


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